On 2015-04-20, Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can apply that on really *anything* - the obvious (claimed) failure is 
> "Qt breaks somehow Plasma" because either
> a) a client relied on undocumented behavior (client bug) or
> b) a foundation broke documented API/ABI/Behavior (foundation bug)

a) is happening quite a lot.  Just look for usages of Qt private headers
across our modules.

> Also your list implies that one never can update KDE, because that breaks 
> GNOME, requires a kernel update and whatnot.

No. One can update things, but it is not "just" update Qt. 

>> Unfortunately, I haven't really used my imagination here.
> That implies the Linux SW stack is crap. Point taken.

Or .. fast moving.


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