On Montag, 29. Juni 2015 11:58:29 CEST, Boudhayan Gupta wrote:
Hi Thomas,

It's a standard QDialogButtonBox. I haven't set the button ordering
manually at all. Maybe it's a QDialogButtonBox bug then.

It's because eg. you use the "Apply" role for "Save & Exit" (would rather be "Ok" role) and "Discard" for 
"Discard", while the latter actually acts as "Cancel" ("reject", not "reset and exit" - there's nothing to reset in the 
first place) - the different roles cause different positions in different GUI layouts.

A tooltip is already set that says "Quicksave screenshot in your
Pictures directory and exit".

Indeed - sorry for the noise. It simply didn't show up here (the tbh. only time 
i tried ;-)

I don't understand. "Direct mass shooting"?
Take a shot, click save. Take another shot, click save. Take yet another shot, 
save once more. Ideally with filename patterns such as bug123456_%n.png ;-)

4. No idea whether I miss some plugin, but "Send to..." is "Open with..."
here (+copy to clipboard)

Same deal with KSnapshot
I thought the idea was to improve ksnapshot :-P
If this does actually only allow you to open the image in another application 
(the copy to clipboard thing doesn't belong there, we'll have to find a better 
way to save a button) the button should say so =)

Would you prefer I swap the Clipboard option in the Send To menu with
Print, and put Clipboard on the buttons?

At least I think the Print button is too prominent regarding its usage 
frequency (and compared to the need to copy to clipboard)

Brainfart: "Save..." "...to paper" ;-)

Alright, I'll revert to KSnapshot behaviour and relabel to Window
Under Mouse, but I cannot guarantee we can have the same behaviour in
If this will be done by talking to KWin, I'd say: "yes".

Is that much better than the current solution?
I'll boldly claim: yes.

IMO the way KSnapshot merges delay and on-click into one spinbox is bad
"Suboptimal" - yes (and not what I meant)

Two alternative approaches:

[ ] Delay | Capture on click
[x] Delay | ( n.m seconds )

("capture on click" label and "n,m seconds" spinbox being in a stacked layout)

[ ] Capture on click | (n.m senconds delay)

I've made it so that the entire right hand side of the window is
dedicated to options and buttons, and the entire left hand side is
dedicated to the preview.

I don't question that approach at all.
What worries me is the grouping *inside* the right hand column, which visually ties the "Take new 
screenshot" button to the "Capture Options", therefore I'd suggest to combine the two 
righthand rows and add a horizontal below them, that sets off the "Take new screenshot" button 

g) pressing "Escape" should abort the screenshot.
It already does.

No, doesn't :)
To be clear, I do *not* mean QDialog should reject on pressing escape, but when I say "Take 
new screenshot" and press "escape", I'd like to see the kscreengenie abort taking 
the screenshot and its window re-appear without new screenshot (and the mousgrab restored in case) 
- there's no xcb_grab_key in the code, so this cannot work ;-)

There's a mini-editor feature planned yes, but I wasn't aware
KSnapshot already does it.
No, does not - kscreengenie lacks it "like ksnapshot does lack it".

If the usability team wants larger steps, I guess I have to do it. But
personally  I've set even 0.2 sec timeouts, although they may have
been for special reasons.

That's not the problem - even with a single step size of "10" you could still enter 
"0.1 seconds" - it's about how the box reacts to the mousewheel and the spinbox buttons 
(and atm, going from 0.0 to 5.0 takes 50 wheel clicks)


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