On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Thiago Macieira <thi...@kde.org> wrote:

> If the format you're looking for is in the CLDR, you're welcome to add the
> support to QLocale.

It's not really about any missing locale, it's about setting different
for the given locale. For example David Edmundson (a brit) repeatedly tells
that en_GB (cldr) uses "12h clock format but pretty much any clock is
to be 24h clock format".

So what is missing/wanted is telling QLocale to use en_GB *but* return
any time string in 24h format for example. Or to use ISO date format
by default. The stuff coming from cldr might not always be what
the user wants. And there's no easy and global way to override it
other than setting different LC_TIME value, which is less than ideal
as it can give you 24h clock format but will leave you with different
date format too, so it's a hit'n'miss game.

If the format you're looking for requires support from translators, please
> add
> a new class to QtCore.

Suppose there's such QLocale setting as described above, then it would
be just a matter of some regexp inside the time formatting function which
would add/remove the "ap"/"AP" strings for the clock. I imagine.

> > Alternatively, do you John have any roadmap about QLocale? Perhaps
> > we could help with filling the missing bits into QLocale directly too.
> The roadmap currently stands as follows:
Does this mean there is no roadmap? :)

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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