On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:

> Am 2016-03-09 16:43, schrieb Yuri Chornoivan:
>> Hi,
>> Just of curiosity, what is the next thing, after documentation (as
>> Plasma  almost does not have it), to get rid from Plasma? Is it
>> Okular, Krusader,  something else? Just to make simple, sleek and
>> unintrusive.
>> Thanks in advance for your answer.
> Neither Okular, nor Krusader are part of Plasma. So what is that? Trying
> to create a flamewar?
> This is highly non-constructive, highly disrespectful towards the
> developers caring about our user experience. This is absolutely not
> acceptable.
> Seriosuly pissed
> Martin

I think there's a simple misunderstanding here.

Sebas meant removing the code from plasma repo in order to not having
to maintain the code as part of plasma-the-code while Yuri probably thought
this is about removing it from plasma-the-shell, ie. from kicker/kickoff

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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