> On May 15, 2016, 8:51 a.m., Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
> > To be honest, I am quite puzzle by this whole thing.
> > Now, every insertion in the cache requires at least two searches in there 
> > and (in many case) at least one copy constructor being called. This is 
> > quite expansive ... (even though this happens only if the object is not 
> > found in the cache).
> > 
> > Also: not sure I understand what issue we are trying to fix and how: why is 
> > it that if the object inserted in the cache is immediately deleted, just 
> > retrying an indefinite amount of time will "fix" the issue. Are we not just 
> > transforming a crash into a freeze (infinite loop) ? 
> > 
> > The Qt documentation is very vague about cases where the object is deleted 
> > immediately, and the only case it mentions is: " In particular, if cost is 
> > greater than maxCost(), the object will be deleted immediately."
> > Well, in such cases (that should not appear here), the infinite loop will 
> > not help. Right ? 
> > Since we have no idea on how "predictible" the other deletion cases are, I 
> > don't think the fix is a good fix. 
> > 
> > Does that mean that we should change the code in order to use references 
> > rather than pointer everywhere ? (as you did in the first patch on this 
> > topic) ? 
> > 
> > Or get rid of using QCache (because this absence of guarantee at the 
> > insertion stage is too much of a pain to handle) ? 
> > 
> > Or just commit and wait for bug reports about freezes ? (but with a happy 
> > coverty) ?
> Michael Pyne wrote:
>     For the most part the requirements are determined by the current return 
> type within the code. If we return a pointer then currently it has to have 
> come directly out of the QCache. Since QCache is assumed to be the owner, the 
> calling code won't delete the pointer ; but if the caller won't delete the 
> pointer then we'll have a memory leak if we return a pointer to something 
> that had been new'd instead.
>     References (i.e. QColor&) are a similar issue; it's safe enough to return 
> a reference to something held within the QCache, but we can't return a 
> reference to a local variable since that reference will invalidate as soon as 
> we return from the function. Of course a reference to a cached QColor may 
> *also* invalidate with the next call to an insert method of that cache, but 
> that's a separate story. 
>     It is unfortunate that the Qt docs are vague about this, since if the 
> **only** thing we had to worry about was cost being >maxCost(), we could 
> pretty much just mark 'ignore' for all the Coverity issues associated with 
> this (and I'd be fine doing that). The docs do kind of hint at that but don't 
> make it clear if is the only way that an entry would be deleted immediately.
>     I think you're right that a loop is not a good idea... I was figuring 
> that eventually QCache would remove enough other items to make it work but 
> then I suppose QCache::insert() would have done that with the very first 
> attempt.
>     As far as other options, I would definitely recommend against QCache for 
> the QColors: I'd say just hold onto specific QColors directly (perhaps in a 
> QHash) and, if possible, return them as values instead of references.
>     I'm not sure if we could get away with the same for TileSets, but if so 
> it would again make things easier. If we can't we could look into making 
> TileSet an implicitly shared class so that we can return it by value cheaply.
>     I wouldn't recommend a commit only to make Coverity happy. I've marked 
> other reports as "False Positive" and even "That's a bug, but we're ignoring 
> it" before. But it does seem to me that if a crash *is* possible (especially 
> in underlying library code) we should do something to avoid it.
>     Either way I'll see if I can work up a revised patch but I'd still 
> appreciate advice on what's workable or not within Oxygen.
> Mark Gaiser wrote:
>     Disclaimer: i'm not an oxygen dev! I just read the patch and want to 
> share my opinion :)
>     I'm also quite puzzeled with this change..
>     A cache is "usually" being used to store the result of a "heavy" 
> operation and use that result the next time to speed things up.
>     That principle sounds great to me and should be used in places if needed. 
> A better approach would be to speed up the slow operation to make caching 
> simply not needed, but that's a different story.
>     The changes you've made now make QCache usage heavier and most certainly 
> much more difficult to follow because of the added while loops to keep an 
> hypothetical case from happening. If QCache requires measures like this then 
> perhaps we should not be using QCache at all.
>     I understand you're trying to do your best, Michael Pyne, but a patch 
> like this feels like heading in the wrong direction to me..
>     I don't know if it's usefull, but there is als QPixmapCache [1] (which 
> uses a QCache internally, but seems to behave as a normal sane LRU cache [2])
>     Cheers,
>     Mark
>     [1] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpixmapcache.html
>     [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithms#LRU

> If we can't we could look into making TileSet an implicitly shared class so 
> that we can return it by value cheaply.

Or alternatively, one could return not raw pointers, but shared pointers (like 
`std::shared_ptr<TileSet>` or `QSharedPtr<TileSet>`). Then it would be 100% 
clear that the caller, who gets the pointer from the cache, is now a co-owner 
of the object and can be sure that it won't be deleted as long as they use it.

Having a `QCache<QSharedPointer<TileSet>>` would then store pointers to shared 
pointers, unfortunately, but if we made `TileSet` implicitly shared, then it 
would essentially be the same, even if one of the pointers would be hidden 
inside the implementation.

I have the feeling that we need a replacement for `QCache` that works with 
shared pointers :-) `QCache` was probably designed in a time when there were 
only raw pointers, and no clear ways to express ownership (which is one of the 
reasons why tools like Coverity are needed).

One could argue that a cache that deals with shared pointers adds a small 
overhead (due to the reference counting), but since a cache is supposed to be 
used with objects that are expensive to create, this should not matter at all.

- Frank

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On May 8, 2016, 5:03 a.m., Michael Pyne wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127866/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated May 8, 2016, 5:03 a.m.)
> Review request for kde-workspace and Hugo Pereira Da Costa.
> Repository: oxygen
> Description
> -------
> This should mostly complete the QCache fixes I kicked off in a previous RR, 
> 127837. Hugo noted there were many other similar usages, and boy he wasn't 
> kidding! ;) The long story short is that these usages can theoretically cause 
> use-after-free behavior (which can lead to crashes and even undefined 
> behavior if the compiler ever gets smart).
> *NOTE* It is -much- easier to review if you download the diff to your git 
> repository for oxygen and then run "git diff -b" to ignore whitespace 
> changes, particularly for the QPixmap changes.
> For QPixmaps we return values instead of pointers, so we simply make a 
> separate copy to be cached when we do insert. For QColor we return references 
> to values so we *must* return pointers, and those have to be owned by a 
> QCache to avoid memleaks. So I added a helper function to loop until the 
> cache accepts the new entry. TileSets are a similar concern, except those 
> have manual loops since I was uncertain about whether TileSet's copy 
> constructor was the best idea or not.
> This fixes a ton of Coverity issues (59717 - 259733, 259739, 259742 - 259752, 
> 1336154, 1336155) and might be associated with Qt bug 38142 and KDE bug 
> 219055 (which doesn't actually appear to be a dupe of a different bug to 
> me...).
> Diffs
> -----
>   kstyle/oxygenstylehelper.cpp 612ba37 
>   liboxygen/oxygenhelper.h a6453a0 
>   liboxygen/oxygenhelper.cpp 4843604 
>   liboxygen/oxygenshadowcache.cpp 907e586 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127866/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Compiled without warnings, installed and ran `oxygen-demo5 -style oxygen`. 
> Used the GUI Benchmark feature to automatically cycle through all the listed 
> features -- no crashes or obvious rendering errors.
> Thanks,
> Michael Pyne

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