On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 12:09:27AM +0200, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> Can we please discuss what being in KDE Applications is first?
> You're telling apps they can join KDE Applications if they want, so to you 
> it's just "release as a service".
> I disagree, to me it's a "we as a community vouch to try to maintain this to 
> the best of our ability/time".
> So [to me] adding more things to KDE Applications needs at least a vague 
> consensus that it's worth making that kind of promise.

I think KDE should offer services to apps which want to be part of the
apps bundled release along with making the tars such as recommending
version number, promo, maybe helping out with packaging for Snaps and
Flatpaks and Appimage if there's teams happy to do that.  But just
trying to get agreement on renaming the bundle shows to me that KDE
isn't ready to take on much more of a role such as maintainance.  I
think the most KDE could offer is to say that everything in the bundle
works as intended and once it bitrots enough that is no longer the
case then it will be kicked out.  I don't think worry that it can't be
maintianed should be a barrier to including an app.


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