El dilluns, 1 de juliol de 2019, a les 8:46:39 CEST, Kai Uwe Broulik va 
> Hi,
>  > In our move to Gitlab, we can do better.
> Given Gitlab emails contain even less information and context than 
> Phabricator which themselves contained even less information and context 
> than Reviewboard back then, I don't see how this will change or improve 
> anything.

What are you missing?

>  > Phab sends out an email for every event and comment
> And Gitlab even unexpectedly submits the comments as soon as you close 
> the editor rather than in bulk as I would have expected from a proper 
> reviewing workflow.

Most of the "modern" systems do this, i very much like this against the fact 
that people made comments on phabricator and then never submitted them because 
you had to scroll to the bottom and press the "send" button.


> Cheers
> Kai Uwe
> > 

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