El diumenge, 29 de març de 2020, a les 22:28:55 CEST, Steve Allewell va 
> Hi all
> pvfViewer (https://userbase.kde.org/pvfViewer) is moving to kdereview.
> It is currently in scratch/sallewell/pvfviewer and the intention is to move it
> to extragear/graphics when it has completed its review.
> The application allows viewing and printing of PC Stitch Pattern Viewer files
> downloaded from https://www.patternsonline.com
> Because these patterns are only available by purchasing them from the website,
> I have created one using the same file format so that it can be used for
> testing.  I wasn't sure where the best place would be to upload it, or whether
> to attach it with an email.  Suggestions are welcome.
> I have tested the application with a number of files that were supplied by the
> user that requested the application be written and all work correctly.

Is it really not worth it merging it to kxstitch ?

I know nothing about this stuff but seems "similar"?

Would be good to have a sample file to try yes.

So that pvf file is a pdf file with some other stuff i see.

Would it actually make any sense to instead add support to Okular?

Or there is stuff that is needed that doesn't fit the okular UI?


> Regards
> Steve

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