El dijous, 13 d’octubre de 2022, a les 8:52:26 (CET), Megan va escriure:
> Hello everyone,
> The /ghostwriter/ Markdown editor has finally hatched from its
> incubation and is ready for you to review at your convenience.
> Project repo: https://invent.kde.org/office/ghostwriter
> Project website: https://ghostwriter.kde.org
> Note: ghostwriter currently uses QtLinguist for translations. However, I
> plan to transition it to ki18n as soon as I can.  Any help you can
> provide would be appreciated, of course!

I've just realized the man page is not translatable.

See https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/dragon/-/tree/master/doc how to make a 
manpage using docbook so its translatable.


> Thanks so much!
> Megan

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