On Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024 22:05:16 CET Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024 21:47:51 CET Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > I think I understand where you are coming from, that all the work on
> > software done here makes the more sense the more users there are. IMHO
> > though reaching more users of Free Software should be done in ways and for
> > platforms which are not giving more power to monopolists or those which
> > seem set to become some. Flatpak, Snap, Windows, macOS... they are all
> > about binaries. There is no simple way, part of the concept, to get the
> > sources, patch something to one's likes and then regenerate the very same
> > package, just as custom one. Or is there?
> Yes, there is. They can simply use our infrastructure for this. We are doing
> much more than just providing the sources. We provide the fully functional
> CI/ CD machinery for building custom versions (minus digital signatures
> which we reserve for our official release artifacts).

That, and for Flatpak specifically this is very much part of the concept/
toolchain even. I find the support/integration in e.g. GNOME Builder for this 
particular impressive, I don't think many other packaging formats/toolchains 
are getting anywhere close in terms of "time to modified app running locally", 
with no need to deal with dependencies manually, and with no risk of impacting 
the rest of your system.


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