
I would like to request unarchiving the Trojitá project and assigning 
maintainership to me.

I want to:
* merge the existing merge request to port the view to QtWebEngine, and
* attempt a Qt 6 port.

As it stands, Trojitá is simply the ONLY e-mail client that can deal with an 
inbox with tens of thousands of messages and is extremely fast at that. 
Well, maybe KMail1, but that would be much harder to resurrect than Trojitá. 
KMail2 simply does not scale to this use case, and neither do all the other 
e-mail clients that I tried (except for Geary, which I use on my PinePhone, 
but which cheats because it simply does not let me access mails older than 2 
weeks at all, it includes them in the message counts, but they are 
completely filtered out from view).

        Kevin Kofler

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