On 06/22/2011 09:22 PM, Luis Gustavo Spern Barreto wrote:
> Hi. I have seen a GTK port of Oxygen style on the KDE projects. My
> question is: Is there any plan to port Oxygen style to Qt-only style
> plugin?
Not on the short term at least. Oxygen uses (and benefits from) part of 
the utilities of kdelibs, for
- configuration handling (kconfig)
- color handling (kcolorutils, kcolorscheme)

Getting rid of these dependencies would mean duplicating this -otherwise 
perfectly working- code (either directly or stripped-down), which is not 
desirable. However, since kdelibs is going through some modularization 
effort right now, I'll try to jump in and make sure these two guys end 
up in lightweight independent libraries that oxygen could build against 
without additional dependencies, apart from Qt.

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