On Thursday, June 23, 2011 23:51:35 Thomas Lübking wrote:
> Am Thursday 23 June 2011 schrieb Steven Sroka:
> > What is the best way for a KDE program to store data? Not passwords or
> > anything sensitive, but data a user had typed into text fields.
> >
> > Some sort of database. Something along the lines of KConfig or KConfig
> > XT but for raw data not configuartion data for programs.
> Depends on the type of data and what you want to do with it.
> KSharedDataCache helps to to access information from several processes at
> the same time (like eg. the icons) and save memory.

I do just want to make very clear that KSharedDataCache is a *cache* and so it
is not a suitable guaranteed storage mechanism, although it is useful as a
speedup/memory-saver in various scenarios.

QDataStream is a good idea as well for arbitrary binary data, but do not
forget to set the version of the QDataStream that you expect in your code to
something specific so that you can be guaranteed to be able to read it back
out later with a newer Qt version!

 - Michael Pyne

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