On Sep 05 21:15, Valentin Rusu wrote:
> On 09/05/2011 08:48 PM, Chirag Anand wrote:
> > On Sep 05 14:39PM, Michael Pyne wrote:
> >> On Monday, September 05, 2011 23:47:01 Chirag Anand wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I had cloned the qt-kde repository a few days back and now when I am
> >>> opening it, I am getting a 404?
> >>> This is what I am trying to access:
> >>> https://projects.kde.org/projects/qt-kde
> >>>
> >>> Also, when I do a git pull on the repository, it shows remote end hung
> >>> up unexpectedly. Am I missing something?
> >> qt-kde has not been updated in quite some time, so it has be moved to a 
> >> plain 
> >> mirror of Qt, available at https://projects.kde.org/projects/qt
> >>
> >> My understanding is that an alias for qt-kde is still in place but 
> >> apparently 
> >> that's not true (but I'll forward on to the sysadmins to see if it can be 
> >> aliased or not).
> > Okay, thanks for the information. My question is do we still require
> > qt-kde for compiling KDE applications? This page talks about custom
> > patches for KDE, don't know if this is still valid, as I have been using
> > it for compiling.
> > http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Qt
> >
> I'm running KDE compiled against latest GIT clone flawlessly :)
> git://gitorious.org/qt/qt.git

Okay, thanks a lot. No need to keep two versions now. :)

Chirag Anand


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