Hello all,

In my application I'm using KConfigXT, everything works fine when I
change the settings values from the dialog inherited by KConfigDialog,
but if I write the configuration values using the class generated from
the kcfg file the changes are not reflected into the settings dialog.
Here is the flow:

1) Open the settings dialog (it will be cached by KConfigDialog),
change some values and close it
2) Call some code that writes the same values using the class
generated by kcfg generator
3) Reopen the dialog cached instance. The values shown by the widgets
are the old ones.

I read the docs and the tutorial at
http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Using_KConfig_XT, but
didn't find anything that pointed me to a wrong use of the framework,
so maybe it is a bug.

To be sure I read the sources of KConfigDialog and maybe spotted the problem:
in KConfigDialog::showEvent() there is a check to a boolean flag
KConfigDialog::KConfigDialogPrivate::shown that get set to true at the
end of the method but never set to false.
In the showEvent() method there is the code that updates the widgets
according to KConfigSkeleton state. Since "shown" is never set to
false that code will not be executed the next time the dialog->show()
is called.
I didn't find a way to force KConfigDialog to update the widgets; the
responsible to update them is KConfigDialogManager and it's enclosed
in KConfigDialog::KConfigDialogPrivate.

I did an ugly hack to make it work: discarding the cached instance in
place of a new one each time the settings dialog is opened.

I didn't fill a bug report because i was unsure if it was an expected
behavior or not. Am I missing something?

Francesco Di Muccio.

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