A Dimecres, 21 de setembre de 2011, Reindl Harald vàreu escriure:
> Am 21.09.2011 13:19, schrieb Brad Hards:
> > On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 09:15:43 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
> >> Am 21.09.2011 12:30, schrieb Brad Hards:
> >>> On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 08:21:39 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
> >>>> because i have not the knowledge and time to learn fix kde-bugs?
> >>> 
> >>> I think this is basically the same as saying that this bug is not
> >>> important to you (i.e. you have other things to spend your time on).
> >>> Yet you think someone else should spend their time.
> >> 
> >> this is a poor argument
> >> 
> >> how do you imagine a php-developer fixing a bug in KDE/Plasma?
> >> are you developer or only user, if you are only user i can
> >> understand this naive answer of you a little bit, if you are
> >> developer you must be crazy think somebody can learn how
> >> to develop/debug kde/plsama-code in a reasonable time
> >> 
> >> these "why are you not fixing it on your own" are simply dumb
> >> arguments as also "they do this in their free time" because
> >> if they do this without getting paied they should be interestet
> >> in a good reputation and errors in basic-operation are the worst
> >> ever can happen
> > 
> > OK. Thanks for your continuing support for KDE
> what exactly are you missing in the difference between developers / users
> my user-support is writing bug-reports, this is what i can do
> and this bugreport is the best sample that nobody is interested in the
> help of users - so the developers have two options: test their code
> or reply to bugreports
> who do you think you are tell everybody he has to shut up if the
> if he is no kde-developer and can not fix bugs on his own?

who do you think you are to demand a bug to be fixed?


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