> it seems that this signal is only emitted if there is a X-KDE-ParentComponents
> in the module's .desktop file. from kpluginselector.cpp:

Hi Aaron, thank you very much for your help! But I can not solve the
problem... I'm checking the KRunner code, and this is their desktop

> [Desktop Entry]
> Exec=krunner
> X-DBUS-StartupType=none
> Name=Command Runner
> Name[...]
> Type=Service
> X-KDE-StartupNotify=false
> OnlyShowIn=KDE;
> X-KDE-autostart-phase=1

And the code is exactly like mine (well, mine is exactly like KRunner code :P)

In the constructor:

    connect(m_sel, SIGNAL(configCommitted(const QByteArray&)), this,
SLOT(updateRunner(const QByteArray&)));
                      i18n("Available Features"), QString(),
                      KSharedConfig::openConfig(QLatin1String( "krunnerrc" )));


void KRunnerConfigWidget::save(QAbstractButton *pushed)
    if (m_buttons->buttonRole(pushed) == QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole ||

Anyway, what is supposed that I must add to my desktop file??
Thanks and greetings!

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