Hello lists,
[sorry for the cross-posting]

Testing ksecretsserviced, I stumbled on a rather bizarre bug and I'd
like to ask you if it reproduces on your systems or it's only my
system's fault.

Steps to reproduce:
- compile kdelibs:ksecretsservice branch and install it (i merged it
with KDE/4.7 branch yesterday),

- compile current ksecretservice sources and install (cmakekde),
[if you build errors in the secretsync dir, simply rerun cmakekde, I'll
fix that later]

- launch in the debugger ksecretsserviced
# place a breakpoint in daemon/frontent/secret/prompt.cpp:259

- in a konsole prompt, type
kwl2kss # this will import your existing wallet into the daemon
# several prompts will popup, simply follow instructions

- still inside the konsole, type
ksecrets -l <your kdewallet name> # on my system ksecrets -l kdewallet
# enter the imported collection password you defined above
# click OK in the permissions dialog

- the breakpoint will be hit
# do one step and tell me if the m_result collection has a non empty
string element after executing append call
[On my system, m_result stubornly holds on empty string, no matter what
path variable holds]

I even did a separate program to handle QList<QDBusObjectPath> and it
works fine.
I'm currently stuck :-(

My other system configuration:
- opensuse 11.4 tumbleweed,
- qt 4.8 compiled last week [perhaps I should go back to 4.7 ?]

Thanks for your help,

Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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