
I'm pretty sure everyone will have seen the message `You are about to log
in to the site "api.opendesktop.org" with the username "user", but the
website does not require authentication. This may be an attempt to trick
you.' when you tried to use anything that uses Attica (Get hot new stuff,
social desktop settings, gluon and so on).

Seeing the dialog once is ok, but it gets really irritating when 4-5 of
these pop up simultaneously because the app might be performing more than
one kio_http requests (which is the case in almost every social component
in gluon). So, the question is, what to do to prevent these from popping up
unnecessarily? Attica is performing a legitimate login to the opendesktop
website [1], so it shouldn't be reported as a problem.

[1] of the form https://usern...@api.opendesktop.org/v1/content/something


Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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