On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 19:40, Ryan Gauger <rtg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> KDE Developer Team,
> I upgraded to Ubuntu's Precise Alpha 1 a few days ago. After the upgrade
> completed, I tried out KDE 4.8 RC 2. It worked great until the final release
> of KDE 4.8 Final. KDE 4.8 Final is even better than the RC! In KDE 4.8, I
> have yet to find any bugs. The updated theme is awesome too. I could not use
> KDE 4.7 at all (network manager would not pull up the window to let me enter
> the WEP password for the Wifi network). But 4.8's network manager works
> great! This release also seems a lot more polished than ever before. Thanks
> for another great KDE release!

Thanks for taking the time to let us know you're happy with 4.8! This
really means a lot to us.


Lydia Pintscher
KDE Community Working Group / KDE e.V. board member
http://kde.org - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher

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