On Saturday, 2012-02-11, Jan Kalcic wrote:
> Hi there,
> It is a bit I am getting to know Qt developing small and almost useless
> applications just to practice, particularly using Qt Creator (I find it
> very easy, intuitive, powerful and also cool BTW)
> Now I have one app which I am starting to take more seriously and with
> this I would like to "swtich" to KDE classes. It seems to be not too
> difficult but I still have a missing point. I assume it is possible to
> use .ui forms created with QtCreator/Designer and I also assume that the
> .ui file which is converted in the header file by the UIC (invoked
> automatically by qmake) is the same XML file I can use as .rc file
> (needed by KXMLGUIClient). Am I wrong? I am sure I am as it does not
> work and it also seems the two XML files actually have difference syntax.
> So how can this be achieved?

As Andreas already said those two are independent and for different purposes.

You continue to use your .ui files the same way you do in a normal Qt 

KXMLGUIClient stuff is mainly for the main window's menu's and toolbars, a main 
window's content will in most cases still be a designer created widget.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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