Hi Abhishek,

>@Andrew: I would like to get your feedback on this and it would be great if 
>you could let me know on how should I proceed with this. Also your thoughts 
>on this from GSoC perspective

I think it's a great idea, however I'm not a core developer so from a mentor 
perspective you would need to find someone who knows more. I only threw in my 
2c as something that maybe worth consideration.

It probably isn't enough for a gsoc project, but once again, that is not my 

Kind regards

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Andrew Mason <andrew.ma...@voice.net.au> 

> By the way, if you want to sort downloads by file types, using Nepomuk
> is the obvious solution.

I like this idea but please consider there are some people, for which Nepomuk
is disabled. This can be because Nepomuk impacts the performance of their
desktop in some way, or simply because the benefits of Nepomuk aren't
perceived to be significant enough to jusitfy running it.

A simple folder picker would be a very low overhead way to filter files. For
those running Nepomuk, it is probably far more flexible and users can take
advantage of that.

Kind regards

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Abhishek Sood A
Graduate Masters Student
Northwestern University,

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