Il 21 marzo 2012 22:29, Dominik Haumann <> ha scritto:
> Moin,
> is there a simple way to unit test a freeze?
> Like if the test needs more than 5 seconds, fail?

There's no straightforward way to check afaik and I don't really like
the thread approach. What are you trying to verify? If the context is
the one of a synchronous operation, I am afraid this might be very
tricky, since there is no easy way you can interrupt a synchronous
call identifying its context. Supposing your routine is asynchronous,

QTimer timer;
QEventLoop e;
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &e, SLOT(quit()));
connect(myObject, SIGNAL(finished()), &e, SLOT(quit()));


In case the freeze is on a synchronous operation, the only thing you
can do is crashing the unit test I am afraid. But again, you have a
number of problems with synchronization and stuff. Supposing your call
does not block Qt's event loop, you could for example create a timer
again which connects to a slot performing stuff like:


If the event loop is blocked, a thread is the only solution but I see
multiple shortcomings with that approach.

Hope this helped.

> One way would be to create a thread, start the freeze unit test, and if the
> thread does not finish in some time period, kill it and fail. But that's
> rather complicated for such a simple thing. Maybe QTest already provides some
> nice feature?
> Thanks
> Dominik
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