On 26 February 2012 21:48, Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am 26.02.2012, 20:30 Uhr, schrieb Rahul Sharma <rahulveera2...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to upload my .diff file on the reviewboard through the web UI
>> for reviewboard, but I am getting error.
>> It always says that the file I uploaded is not .diff file even I am
>> uploading the file of the .diff extension.
>> Any suggestions??
> The reviewboard is pretty picky about diffs.
> Create them using "git diff <hash>" of "git format-patch <hash>", eg
> git format-patch HEAD~3
> will create diffs for the 3 latest commits
> while
> git diff HEAD~2
> will create one patch against the branch as it was two commits ago.
> The reviewboard will also reject diffs against hashes it doesn't know
> (because they only exist in your local branch) - for this purpose you can
> create a diff agains a common hash and supply that as parenting patch.

I had to do

git format-patch --full-index origin/master

with rebased changes already committed locally.


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