On Sunday, April 22, 2012 04:40:30 AM Alberto Villa wrote:
> I'm not sure that was an official investiture (it was late in the
> night - at Randa, do you remember Alex?)... :)
I do remember! but I left thinking that it was not worth because freebsd 
people were working on something new to replace hal, I guess I understood it 
wrong :/

> Anyway, what would maintaining mean? I can step in if it's not a big task.
Well, you will have to triage each libsolid-hal bug (50) see if they are still 
valid and if possible fix them. I think this will be good for kde-freebsd 
since it will give you the chance to know what is broken in hal and fix it.

> Of course, I'd prefer not to have to port it to libsolid2 myself. That
> would be too much given my current - and future - schedule. ;)
Well, if you are keeping it in good shape I will port it to libsolid2, we are 
not expecting that big change so won't be a huge task anyway.

It is offical then ! I will re-assign the bugs to you tomorrow :p

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