On Monday, June 4, 2012 08:13:45 Anatoli Gorchetchnikov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I will be redesigning my app (last supported under KDE 3.5, dormant for
> about 7 years) for a modern system. As I noticed Qt 5 is in the process of
> appearing and I would presume KDE 5 will follow shortly. The engine
> redesign will take at least a few months, so I have some flexibility on the
> GUI side timewise. Do you guys think I shall aim at the 5 from the start,
> or play it safe, stick with 4, and set aside some time for porting it to 5
> later?

the jump to Qt5 and KDE Frameworks 5 will not be big. if you get started now 
with a port to Qt4 you'll be mostly done :)

something to keep in mind while porting: more than ever the separation of data 
and UI is being emphasized in Qt. Qt4 edged this way with model/view, but this 
is now absolutely key to QML...

Aaron J. Seigo

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