Hi all,

The recent problems with various components of the KDE SC beta release
has shown one major barrier in problem solving:

When the distribution packagers get aware of problems they need to go
through hoops to actually reach the project people to notify the
problems. They need to go individually to the various mailing lists,
subscribe, wait for authorization etc.

Instead of asking all packagers to subscribe to the various project
mailing lists it would be much easier if the project people would
subscribe to the release-team@ mailing list.

So please, all project leads, subscribe to release-t...@kde.org here:


And please, be around on release times, as it is equaly difficult for
the release-team if they have to run after various people to make a
release actually happen. Remember, we have clearly defined schedules:

It is a small step for each of you and a big leap to a better KDE Quality :)

Regards, Myriam

Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community
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