El Dijous, 19 de juliol de 2012, a les 09:43:20, Marco Gulino va escriure:
> Hi!
> I was a developer in KDE area some years ago, had to drop it due to lack of
> time, hardware, and usual various impediments :P
> Now i'd like to spend some of my free time helping improving KDE.

Awesome :-)

> In particular, i was thinking about adding chrom* support to the Bookmarks
> runner, plus some refactoring and maybe unit testing.
> Any objection?

You might want to check with the plasma mailing list, maybe there you find 
more people that knows about runners, but i think it's nice.

> also, what about branches? I understand that KDE/4.9 is closed for now, i
> guess the best thing would be to create my own branch, and then merging to
> KDE/4.9 and master after 4.9 release.

KDE/4.9 is closed for new features already so you can never merge to 4.9 now, 
your next target if you want to be released as part of the SC is 4.10 (what 
now resides in master)


> Next, i'm also thinking about fixing a couple of issue in Konsole (profiles
> management seems to be a bit broken) and KHotKeys, but i'll write more at
> the right time.
> Thanks
> Marco

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