On Thursday 16 August 2012 23:55:14 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Thursday, 2012-08-16, Milian Wolff wrote:
> > Hey there,
> > 
> > where should an app store it's cache data? I see that KStandardDirs notes
> > "cache", but how would one actually use that?
> > 
> > I.e. if I want to write a file to the app's cache dir, I need a path to
> > 
> > said dir. ::findDirs would not return anything for these tests:
> >   qDebug() << KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("cache", "kdevelop");
> >   qDebug() << KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("cache", "kdevelop/foo/bar");
> >   qDebug() << KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kdevelop/foo/bar");
> > 
> > Apparently, only existing directories are returned (if I create e.g.
> > ~/.kde/cache-$host/kdevelop the first call will return the path to that
> > folder).
> > 
> > So how do I figure out the recommended path for cache data? Should I use
> > KStandardDirs::resourceDirs("cache") and pick the first item in the
> > returned list? Could more than one directory be returned?
> Try KStandardDirs::saveLocation()

Thanks, that works.
Milian Wolff

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