Hello --

This is my first ever post to any KDE mailing list, so please excuse any 
n00bidity. :)

I'm in the process of planning an NNTP binary download robot for KDE 4.x, 
something along the lines of NewsLeecher or Newsman Pro 
(which are Windows applications).  My plan is to use the existing RFC822 Mail 
resource and the NNTP agent (if it exists, otherwise write one), 
and feed the NNTP headers into Akonadi, so that the headers can be indexed and 

Question:  more than a few binary newsgroups have header counts reaching past 
hundreds of millions into billions.  Is Akonadi (or more 
precisely its MySQL backend) capable of dealing with that many records, 
especially on consumer hardware? I'm assuming that the average 
desktop has 4GB RAM and a single 500GB hard disk. 

Many thanks,
Rohan Beckles

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