On segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012 00.54.39, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Just a quick notice that due to Qt breaking their ABI it is now
> necessary for build.kde.org (Jenkins) to initiate a rebuild of all
> binaries.
> This will take a long time to complete unfortunately, I suspect ~24 - 48
> hours.
> An excerpt of the failure log is below, prior to the rebuild.
> /srv/jenkins/install/kde/kdelibs/KDE/4.10/lib64/libkio.so.5: undefined
> reference to `QFutureInterfaceBase::refT() const'
> /srv/jenkins/install/kde/kdelibs/KDE/4.10/lib64/libkio.so.5: undefined
> reference to `QFutureInterfaceBase::derefT() const'

The Qt breakage was corrected upstream.

Please make sure you rebuild everything with the latest, otherwise we're going 
to see this again next week.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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