On Monday 18 of February 2013 18:14:43 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> On Monday 18 February 2013 14:08:43 Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> > Still Cross Posting - don't hate me.
> I join the fun of cross-posting :-)
(removing kde-edu as the answer is kiosktool-centered)

> > Help me find the unloved, the once-loved and the apps that need help (
> > could be a GSoC project or a Summer of KDE project too )
> kiosktool which got AFAIK never ported to Qt4
(the branch in the repository, even if kdelibs4-based, is older; the branch 
one described in this blog post is not available anymore).

Few days ago there was some interest about it, cc-ing siddvicious...


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