
Today I finished reading the list of this year's GSOC organizations
and I must admit KDE is one of my top priorities. I have four
proposals, one of which are from ideas list and three are totally mine
- I'll start with the latter:

1) Get the KDE apps to save configuration not only when they are shut down

I have a bad habit of calling shutdown -h now instead of closing my
KDE gracefully when I want to power my computer off. I noticed quite a
few applications (notably Akregator) don't really like it - each time
I make some change in the program's settings, I lose it once I reboot
my computer this way and I need to apply the change again, remember
close the application gracefully and turn it on again. I'd like to fix
this behaviour. Is it enough for a GSoC application, provided I'd work
not only on Akregator in this case?

2) Make qRecordMyDesktop a full-blown KDE app

I think KDE would use a facility to record the user's desktop. In the
Qt premises, there's  qRecordMyDesktop, but its UI is not very
comfortable and it's not closely integrated to KDE. I'd like change
that by forking qrecordmydesktop and work towards making it a KDE's
"first class citizen".

3) Port (or at least start to port) Calligra to JavaScript using Emscripten

There's quite a lot of development towards porting Qt applications
(and KDE ones as well) from C++ to JavaScript using Emscripten - a
project translating LLVM bytecode of an application to Javascript,
effectively making even very big programs work in a browser. Despite
that, I hadn't yet seen any good free word processor I could use in
cloud and host on my own server. I'd like to try my best porting
Calligra to JavaScript to change that.

4) Krfb improvements

I am not exactly sure what would I want to do there yet - two things
that bugged me when I used it were that it didn't handle screen
resolution changing well and that I couldn't turn off notifications
about connection attempts which was really irritating when some bot
was trying to guess my password the bruteforce way. I believe Krfb
would benefit from a student planning to do a general bugfixing
"papercut tasks" session instead of focusing on single function there.
I am not sure that bugfixing in general is eligible from a GSoC
proposal (don't know the rules too well) - could anybody comment on

5) KWorkrave

I was also thinking of reviving Workrave - the RSI-prevention
application that keeps track of when you last had a braek while using
your computer and reminds you to take on. Do you think I could start a
new project under the KDE umbrella as a part of GSoC?

Jacek "d33tah" Wielemborek

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