El Dimarts, 25 de juny de 2013, a les 10:42:42, Eduard Huguet va escriure:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to add tray icon support for a small application of my own, and
> I'd like to be able to regenerate the context menu right before this is
> displayed.
> To do so, I try to connect KStatusNotifierItem's
> "secondaryActivateRequested" signal to an slot in my dialog, assuming that
> it would get emitted when right-clicking on the tray icon (according to
> doc), but apparently it never gets fired. ¿Is this really implemented, or
> I'm simply misunderstanding the purpose of this signal?

Reading the code it seems to me it's middle-clicking thaat fires it and not 


> Anyway, if anyone have any other idea about how I could implement this
> (updating context menu contents right before it gets displayed), I'd be
> glad to know it :-)
> Kind regards,
>   Eduard Huguet

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