On domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013 20:34:40, Ralf Gesellensetter wrote:
> Otherwise, it should be discussed, if dolphin or
> crusader could offer a workaround (feature
> request: option to copy files in the same order
> as files are displayed in source directory).

Copying files in a directory listing is easy. The files are selected on Ctrl+C, 
which puts them in a list, usually ordered, and that's usually how they get 

It gets a little trickier when you copy a directory full of files that aren't 
displayed. In that case, the recursive copy function needs to access that 
directory to get the listing of files in order to copy. The most efficient way 
doing that, clearly, is to copy the files in the order that they are listed by 
the OS.

What you're asking for requires sorting the files, even though that list will 
never be displayed. On a large directory (like your music directory containing 
10000 songs), that is an expensive operation.

I don't think we want that in a regular file manager.

On the other hand, your music library manager application should have such a 
feature. It doesn't deal with files, but with a database of music files and 
their metadata (genre, title, artist, length, etc.). When exporting those files 
to a music player, it should export them in a predefined order.

Or not. For example, Amarok has a feature to transcode files on the fly while 
exporting. If you have a quad-core system, it's conceivable it would transcode 
4 files at a time, which in turn means the copying might be done on a FIFO 
basis: first to finish transcoding gets copied.

In all, I think what you're asking for is too much in terms of resources for a 
few corner cases. Most modern players have playlist functionality, which 
supersedes the directory sort order behaviour anyway.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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