Hello everyone,

First I want to apologize for the last two e-mails, it was a mistake from
me to ask something before I try all possibilities. During this time, I
managed to solve those errors, but now I have another one which I really
don't know how to solve and I will wait for your guidance.

So the error I get now at the installation of the first module, qt, is "A
branche named '4.8' already exists" ( kde-src build running: git checkout
-b 4.8 origin/4.8 ). I tried to delete the directory created after cloning
and try again but I get the same error. It didn't happen to me with the
last two errors, I mean, after every error, if I deleted the qt directory
created automatically it worked but got stuck at other step. Last time, for
example, it said something about mysql suport right after the compilation
of qmake binary ( that is the most far step I got to, I think ). Meanwhile,
I installed the dev package from mysql but now I have this error.

So, how do I get over this error ? Is there something in my computer that
creates this branch so that the installer fails when trying to make it and
detects it already exists ? Indeed, there is a file named 4.8 within .git
directory but this is in the .git from the qt directory which I delete
before I run the script.

Thank you !
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