On Monday 24 February 2014 10:19:37 Allen Winter wrote:
> On Monday, February 24, 2014 11:52:27 AM Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > 
> > I have a problem validating a kxmlgui .rc file whit at least *two* State
> > elements.
> > The following minimal example should reproduce the issue:
> > http://pastebin.com/XLjHpb4n
> > 
> > The xmllint output is: http://pastebin.com/NDGardNQ
> > 
> > The strange thing is that if I comment one of the two State elements, the
> > .rc file validates normally.
> > 
> > I really don't understand where am I wrong, I think that a State element
> > should be at the same hierarchy level than other elements such as
> > MenuBar/ToolBar/etc.
> I don't see anything wrong with your .rc file.
> I'm guessing the kxmlgui.xsd needs improvement.
> Unless/until a guru fixes the xsd, I can tell Krazy to filter away
> xmlint messages that complain about State elements and ActionProperties.

The XSD is missing a maxOccurs="unbounded" attribute on line 381. Without it, 
it is assumed there can be only one "State" element. I tested it here locally, 
adding that attribute makes the rc file validate.

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