On Monday 24 February 2014 22:24:24 Damian Ivanov wrote:
> Servus, me again,
> kwindowsystem_x11.cpp :
>         // If the icon is still a null pixmap, load the icon for X
> applications // as a last resort:{
>             const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("xorg"));
> If your active theme doesn't have an icon xorg (like default gnome
> icon theme) no icon is shown at all.

well there's not much one can do about it. One could fallback to another icon 
from the theme, but that might be missing, too. A library which doesn't ship 
icons cannot ensure that the icon is present.

If that's also happening in KWin, we could consider falling back to the KWin 
icon, which we ship and know it's present.


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