[ Comments below, in-line ]

On 03/10/2014 09:43 AM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
As an aside, when reading emails, deleting them, etc. they are
individually indexed with a commit coming afterwards. That means
significant writes to disk which, on my 3 year old laptop with a
rotating disk for storage, take ~2s on average to complete. While
this happens in another process, it still puts the system under load.
It appears to cause Xapian to write ~5MB of data to disk for each
commit following reading or otherwise updating a single email. I get
the distinct impression that Xapian may not be the best fit in terms
of performance for this particular use case ... :/

Yikes ... the above performance doesn't seem very scalable.

I'm currently doing Production work with a client and when there's an
`event', I may get an in-rush of several hundred messages in one
shot.  After sorting the messages by Subject, I usually can delete
nearly all of them.

FWIW, I'm currently using Thunderbird although I long for the day when
I can return to Kmail2.

Pablo Sanchez - Blueoak Database Engineering, Inc
Ph:    819.459.1926         Blog:  http://pablo-blog.blueoakdb.com
Fax:   760.860.5225 (US)

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