Hi MacPorts guys, especially KDE port developers,

Over at the main KDE developers' mailing list, kde-devel@kde.org
I have been inadvertently stirring things up re the status of
KDE ports on Apple OS X.

It started with one of the KDE Promotion guys asking us to
suggest things that need volunteers to test them during the
Beta phase of KDE 4.13, which is current.  He has written a
news article about it.  Of course I suggested the Palapeli
jigsaw puzzle app on which I have been doing a lot of work lately.

But then I wrote another mail asking how much testing is done
of KDE's cross-platform and cross-desktop implementations
and commenting on some of the problems we experience
with KDE over here at MacPorts.

I suggested that maybe it was time some KDE guys had
a get-together with some MacPorts and KDE Windows guys
and got to the bottom of such problems.

And I said it would be nice to have some regular testing
of Apple and Windows implementations of KDE.

Well … the response was quite antagonistic at first, but
I am old and thick-skinned and I stood my ground … :-)

So now some of the KDE guys are coming round to my way
of thinking, particularly some KDE sysadmin guys and a
guy who is organising a workshop (a KDE sprint) at Randa, in
August, a nice little village in Switzerland just down the valley
from Zermatt and the Matterhorn.  See http://randa-meetings.ch/

He wants to schedule a group at Randa on KDE cross-platform
implementation.  And he is looking for MacPorts and Homebrew
representatives to attend.

So now I am looking for some support over here.

Marko Kaening (KMyMoney4 guy) is already over at kde-devel@kde.org
banging the drum on our behalf.

First I would like you to have look at the two threads on kde-devel@kde.org

1. "What to test for 4.13?" starts here … it is the more controversial of the 
2. "Running KDE apps on Apple OS X" starts here ..

If there is anything I have said wrong please let me know
on this MacPorts list.  If you agree or disagree with what I am
trying to achieve, please also let me know.  Please do not get
upset by anything that was written.  Every group tends to think
that the people on the other side of the river have two heads, but
I have found in the course of a long career, that building bridges
is a good way to solve problems.

I also discovered, in the course of all this, that there are two
well-known former KDE developers working over at Homebrew.
I do not know if there are any at MacPorts, but if there are,
please stand up.

All the best,
Ian W.

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