Hey Denis

I spoke with some other developers regarding what you could do -

1. The "Enhanced Search Dialog" in KMail. I know it's not strictly Baloo work, 
and it's more UI work than anything else.

2. Improving the Baloo integration -
        2.1 Firefox / Chrome support - Now that we only rely on xattr, getting 
this support in browsers should be fairly simple.

        2.2 We need Indexers for the following -
                * Events in Akonadi
                * Akregator2
        2.3 Zeitgiest Support - I'm not sure what the status of the zeitgeist 
project is but we definitely want some way to access file related statistics. 
This could get quite deep into Baloo code since we need to sort the search 
results based on these statistics, and this needs to be done in a way that is 
very fast.

I know that you only have 2 days, but given that you are a rockstar coder, I 
think you can manage. Ping me on IRC / Hangouts and lets talk more? (I know 
you hate chat :P)

Vishesh Handa

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