Hi Harsh,

Thank you for your response !

Could you please check pairs from [1], build it, and analyse it.
Secondly, you are welcome to mentor in sok, but you should be aware of
pairs codebase and how it is implemented .
Porting pairs  to Qt5 is not easy enough for sok students :) You should get
in touch with Aleix and Marco too for the same
For the documentation related to KDE, you can visit [2]

Hope this helps !
[1] www.projects.kde.org
[2] www.techbase.kde.org

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Harsh Thakkar <hars...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear KDE & KDE-SOC Community,
>> It is a pleasure to learn that KDE-SOK 2014 has been announced a few days
>> ago with a vast variety of projects. I am a keen user of open-source
>> software, but haven't been able to contribute since a long time. I would
>> like to take the KDE-SOK opportunity to repay the wonderful community.
>> I am interested in contributing to the KDE-EDU project "Pairs". I find it
>> really interesting and crucial as children are the most valuable resources
>> to the society. Pairs focuses on brain stimulating games and is useful not
>> only to children but to almost any age group of people. I use it almost
>> daily for my daily brain exercise.
>> I would like to propose a project as a mentor to the pairs project. I
>> have a few things in mind:
>> 1. Porting the Pairs project to QT 5. [It has been ported to QT 4x
>> version link- http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=pairs.git]
>> - Transiting to Qt 5 from Qt 4.x is not expected to be significant, but
>>   the “modularization” of the Qt code base requires some amount of changes
>> to project configuration, such as use of “headers”, and configuration of
>> project build settings (such as changes to the *.pro files).
> I'm actually amazed that you managed to write such a long e-mail and not
> realize we don't use .pro files, anywhere in KDE.
>> -This would require knowledge of qml, qt5 and basic C++.
>> 2. In the latest version pushed by Aleix Pol and Marco Calignano, there
>> are a few TODO's they proposed, i would like to include them into this idea
>> and solve the remainders. These include:
>> a) Adding scroll bar in-case of more than one player is involved to
>> eliminate the over-lapping on the display
>> b) Getting rid of window border
>> c) In the game Logic and SoundLogic there is a need to highlight the
>> first selected card of each turn
>> Looking forward to hear from you people!
>> Some handy resources -
>> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Transition_from_Qt_4.x_to_Qt5 and
> ?? why do you tell us about the Qt 4 to 5 port?
> Anyway, best thing will be that you send an e-mail to Marco and I.
> Currently the port to Qt 5 is underway and it's not trivial as we're
> transitioning over mixed used between QtDeclarative and QGraphicsView to
> QGraphicsScene.
> Cheers!
> Aleix

Heena Mahour
KDE admin team | Google Summer of code developer | Google Code In mentor |
Season of KDE developer | Women who code delhi co-founder and organizer
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