On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Daniel Vratil <dvra...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Saturday 25 of October 2014 17:09:02 Ashish Bansal wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> > Is there any implementation of OAuth for Google Account in KDE?
> > I was working on Plasma Media Center bug in which I need to make it
> support
> > Two-Step Authentication for Google Account.
> Hi,
> we have implementation for Google's OAuth in LibKGAPI (the library that
> implements some Google REST APIs, used mostly by KDE PIM). Alternatively I
> think that Martin Klapetek is working on the new SSO mechanism (it is
> called
> KAccounts I think) that would support this too.
> In both cases you just ask the library for account credentials, the library
> does all the dancing and hands you the OAuth tokens in the end.

Yeah I have checked their api and these libraries are really awesome.

> Daniel
> >
> >
> > *Regards,*
> > *Ashish Bansal*
> > *http://ashish-bansal.in <http://ashish-bansal.in/>*
> > * <http://ashish-bansal.in>*
> --
> Daniel Vrátil | dvra...@redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact,
> #akonadi
> Software Engineer - KDE Desktop Team, Red Hat Inc.
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