
I see some discussion in the thread "Re: Is Konqueror still a live project?", 
which seems to be incomplete in my kmail devel-ml folder tough, but it doesn´t 
seem it came to any conclusion.

I am posting as a user who reports bug, helped with a little performance 
optimization work and CRM114 spamfilter configuration for KMail and builds some 
stuff to help testing and to make it short:

I miss an updated Konqi. I mean the Konqueror webbrowser.

I used it often but I use it less and less as it has various problems:

- websites not rendering correctly with KHTML

- Strg + / - zoom not working for Webkit (thats why I have it at KHTML to 
resize websites quickly in Akregator)

- Issues with SSL/TLS certificate handling (on certain sites I get asked about 
certifictate from fbstatic.com or so, seems sites who link to facebook stuff, I 
tried accepting the cert or disallowing it but I get this again and again)

Alternatives all have their weaknesses.

- Iceweasel / Firefox: I just look at the GTK file dialog box it uses and I am 
done with it (sorry, to be honest: One of the worst usability nightmares 
*ever*). Or that you cannot search cookie exception rules. And integration 
issues with KDE here and there. I know people tried making KDE integration, 
but it is not readily available in Debian.

- Chromium: It still feels like a forein body in my KDE desktop. It is fast 
and all that… but what gives, even with system window borders…

And then only Konqi does:

- ton of other protocols and KIO stuff

- easily have several windows open which are *separate* processes (unlike 
Iceweasel or Chromium or even Qupzilla it seems, and I think even rekonq which 
is not currently packaged for Debian, last is 0.9.2-1 for Wheezy, I do have a 
2.4.2 package from someone who did one, but thats also not updated)

- integrate that well with KDE desktop, bookmark handling, Alt-F2 krunner stuff 
and so on. Some of the Alt-F2 stuff doesn´t work as I replaced default browser 
with Qupzilla at the moment. I do not remember which at the moment, but there 
are things that don´t work with it.

- web archives into war files. I loved this, but this also only works with 

I bet webbrowser work is a lot of work… but are there any plans, ideas?

Right now I get the impression it at least to some extent bitrots, which is 

Konqi with updated web engine… and well, okay, maybe a core set of 
functionality, maybe it doesn´t need all the functions, maybe some kind of 
usability studies could reveal what people want most in it, miss most with 
other browsers compared to Konqueror.

I think Konqueror was once one of the pillars of KDE. I´d love to see a 
comeback of it. My C++ coding skills are pretty basic, but I would like to 
help in ways I can. And maybe it can be QMLified for its GUI.

Right now there is no webbrowser that really satisfies me to use in Plasma 

I know this is may be a huge one, but I wanted to draw some attention to this.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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