On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Vasily Khoruzhick <anars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to rise KDE backward compatibility issue once again.
> I've read [1] and [2] and as far as I understand, dropping xembed
> support was more political decision than technical difficulty. Please
> kindly understand that breaking applications for users is a no-go.
> I'd like to remind a situation when KDE was broken by a change in
> kernel API (IIRC it happened several times). But since kernel policy
> is "we never break userspace", these changes were reverted.
> As a software developer and a KDE user I'd like to see similar
> approach in KDE. Nowadays KDE is a software platform, not only a DE,
> it provides some APIs to other applications. So KDE's situation is
> somewhat similar to kernel's - you should not break backward
> compatibility for older applications.
> There're some proprietary applications using xembed tray and Qt5 <
> 5.4, for example - dropbox and viber. There's no way to fix them. As
> for GTK apps - it's required to add libappindicator support to the
> application, and it's not what app devs are willing to do (correct me
> if I'm wrong). So proposed workaround requires some work for app devs.
> And I suspect that they don't understand why THEY need to fix the
> thing YOU broke.
> Looking at all changes happened to KDE for several past years I've an
> impression that some KDE devs suffer from NIH syndrom. Broken system
> tray (and using instead specification which wasn't adopted by all
> other DEs), nepomuk -> baloo transition, no KDE PIM (once again... I
> remember times when I lost all local mail archive during transition
> from kmail 1 to kmail 2), missing support for autostarting scripts,
> one more rework of solid (it isn't dropped yet?) - battery indicator
> always shows that battery is charging... Etc, etc.
> I understand that some of these issues we'll be addressed within
> several KDE releases, but it is somewhat like 1 year. Guys, do you
> undestand that you propose to users non-complete and somewhat broken
> software for at least one year?
> We (KDE users) have already seen issues like that back in KDE 4.0-4.1 times.
> Guys, could anyone tell me what prevents you from making transition to
> KDE 5 smoother? What's the reason of dropping legacy support? What's
> the reason of breaking non-KDE applications?
> [1] http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/03/system-tray-in-plasma-next/
> [2] http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/
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Do you have sni-qt installed?

It reduced the problem for me.


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