Hi Christoph,

On 16 Feb 2015, at 10:28 , Christoph Feck <cf...@kde.org> wrote:
> Well, yes, my local tree sometimes uses different directory/repository 
> names. These are:
> - kdepimlibs (should be splitted, have not done this yet locally)

that I figured, but for those I couldn’t figure it out myself:

> - analitza
> - ffmpegthumbs
> - kdegraphics-thumbnailers
> - kdesdk-thumbnailers
> - svgpart
> - zeroconf-ioslave

Thanks! =)

Yet, I am afraid that there are quite a few other projects in your long
list which have a non-official project name and slipped my attention as
I omitted all red ones (like e.g. kthumbnailer-mplayer) ...

Would be cool if your script would work more generically.

Just saw that you’ve reworked the layout of your very nice overview. Now
it even shows the kdelibs4support status. Neat! :)

Is this list complete, or are there perhaps still KDE projects which
aren’t covered up to now?

I wonder how your script automagically determines which branch is the
one to be used for qt5, as some of these projects aren’t even in the
CI system’s dependencies information yet.


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