El Diumenge, 8 de març de 2015, a les 22:00:33, Thomas Lübking va escriure:
> merging 5.2 into master gets me several merge conflicts in desktop services,
> which I cannot reasonably resolve, mostly because:
> ++<<<<<<< HEAD
>  +Comment[zh_TW]=桌面效果使用的組合器設定
> ++=======
> + Comment[zh_TW]=桌面效果使用的組合器組態
> ++>>>>>>> Plasma/5.2
> I cannot read that (nor other translations)
> => which branch to I pick?

I have the feeling this has been asked/answered quite a few times, anyone has 
any idea of a place where to put such a FAQ so that people would find it?

Short answer: The one you're in (i.e. in this case i guess HEAD/master)

Medium answer: It doesn't matter, scripty will just make it right on the next 

Long answer: It doesn't matter, scripty will just make it right on the next 
day. The translations on .desktop files are the output of a script, the real 
translation is in .po files in the .svn repo.


> Cheers,
> Thomas
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