On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 7:57 PM, anu mittal <anu22mit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> While porting an application (kalzium) under kde-edu to KF5 where I am
> suppose to include AvogadroLibs in order to use avogardro based on Qt5,
> which showed me the following error:
> Could not find a package configuration file provided by "AvogadroLibs" with
> any of the following names:
> AvogadroLibsConfig.cmake
> avogadrolibs-config.cmake
> now for building the same I followed the steps mentioned in
> http://wiki.openchemistry.org/Build
> but even this could not be build completely.
> Where should I be more careful or if there is any other possible way to
> solve the error?
> --
> Regards,
> Anu.
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You can check where it's being installed by reading the
install_manifest.txt file in the build directory. Then you can define
the AvogadroLibs_DIR variable [1] to tell cmake where to look for it.


[1] cmake -DAvogadroLibs_DIR=/wherever/you/put/lib64/cmake/avogadrolibs

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