On Friday, July 03, 2015 11:58:11 AM Burkhard Lück wrote:
> Am Freitag, 3. Juli 2015, 10:01:55 schrieb Milian Wolff:
> > They are, now :) Thanks for re-raising this, I forgot about your other
> > mail. I  also think that this is currently wrong in Massif-Visualizer, if
> > I'm not mistaken.
> You are ;-)
> I have a lot of lovely xxfooxx strings running Massif-Visualizer in locale
> x- test.
> Massif-Visualizer is still kde4 based, Therefore it is translated here,
> except 7 (?) strings from kdchart dir, because the kdchart lib uses tr()
> calls, has no message extraction for that and does not load a translation
> catalog.

Sorry, I meant the frameworks version in the branch of the same name.

> > How can I, as a develop, locally test whether the translations
> > are correctly extracted and everything is setup as intended? There was
> > this
> > "xFOOx" translation, but how do I generate it and then use it?
> Please read:
> https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/Building_KDE's_l
> 10n_Module
> and
> http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/how-to-test-and-fix-translatio
> ns-for-frameworks-5-applications/
> But locale x-test is only fully supported in kde4 but in kf5 only for
> gettext (ki18n) based translations, not for Qt based translations.
> An explanation why x-test is crippled in kf5 and how to work around that you
> find in this thread:
> http://marc.info/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=141329246521890&w=2

Great, I'll read this now. Thanks a lot!
Milian Wolff

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