On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN
<ovidiu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an idea that a SoK student can develop.
> A KDE Connect client for Kodi.
> This client would give the functionality to:
> Show notifications from the phone on the Kodi device
> Pause playback if a call is coming
> Control playback
> From phone as it does right now with computers
> from other paired devices, not just phone, but also computer, this would
> require a widget for the desktop client.
> Send text to Kodi (useful for the times Kodi asks for some text input)
> These would be the basic things that I thought of.
> I cannot be a full time mentor for this, but I can help here and there.
> Perhaps one of the KDE Connect developers can join in on this.
> What do you guys think? Can I add this in the Ideas Wiki page?

Hasn't the application deadline already passed for SoK?

Regarding the idea, I'd say it's good, but it's not really top
priority. For starters, if you're interested in Kodi integration, many
things should already work if they support MPRIS.


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